
Elevate your facials by adding the precision and effectiveness of a laser. Introducing laser into a treatment involves directing short, concentrated beams of light at irregular skin.

This not just deep cleanses, brightens, and tightens your skin but also results in reduction of sun damage, fine lines, ageing and acne.

Duration: 60 | 90 mins

Phototherapy Facial

This facial treatment uses light pulses to rid your skin of sun damage and age spots. An extremely gentle yet effective therapy, this facial will leave your skin moreradiant than before.


Skin rejuvenation

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Pigment Control Facial

Control wayward pigmentation by eliminating spots and discolouration caused by sun damage. This treatment for pigmentation uses state-of-the-art lasers to draw out the pigment and give you a smooth and even skin tone.


Reduces pigmentation

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Let There Be Light

Laser facials imbue the power of high intensity beams into your treatments, increasing efficacy and literally lighting up your face.

Carbon Facial

Here is a natural and non-invasive therapy to promote the well being and natural anti ageing of your skin. As we inject molecules of carbon dioxide in your skin, its oxygen absorption ability and blood flow effectively increases. This facial treatment is proven to tone skin, give your face a glossy sheen, and have a naturally calming effect.

Activated charcoal

Deep cleansing

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Radio Frequency Facial

Counter drooping skin and wrinkles with our skin
tightening facial treatment that uses radio frequency to give your face tissues a much-needed healthy collagen boost. This non-invasive anti-ageing facial treatment is super effective and completely safe with visible effects. Perfect for all skin types.


Collagen induction

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Acne Combat Facial

Tired of sudden breakouts or stubborn acne that never seems to leave? Our acne facial treatment is made just for you. Together with lasers that attack the acne causing bacteria, thus preventing further breakouts, regular sessions of this treatment will ensure complete clearing of your skin. This treatment is highly recommended for those with Rosacea, or chronic redness, as well.

Sugarcane extracts

Fights acne

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HIFU Facial

A High Intensity Focused Ultrasound facial, or HIFU facial, is an effective, noninvasive treatment for facial aging. Since there are no needles involved, only a focused ultrasound that creates heat in the skin which leads to the body producing collagen, there is hardly any downtime or side-effects. The HIFU facial helps reduce appearance of jowls, lift drooping eyelids, and smoothen wrinkles.



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