What You Need To Know Before Getting Dermal Fillers
So, you’ve decided, or are considering, to get a dermal filler treatment done. Dermal fillers are a great way to enhance your features and reduce signs of ageing by restoring your skin’s moisture and youthfulness. When administered by a certified dermatologist, the procedure is fairly simple, swift, and essentially painless. But being informed goes a long way so, before you take the plunge, here are a few things you must know and bear in mind.
What is a dermal filler?
Dermal fillers, or face fillers, are small injections that are administered to accentuate the face and reduce signs of ageing, aesthetically. Fillers can be injected to different parts of your face – around the eye, cheeks, mouth and jawline, as well as lip, depending on your need.
What a dermal filler is NOT – Botox. Do not confuse dermal fillers with Botox, which restricts motion in muscles to reduce wrinkles, while dermal fillers are injectable implants that help smoothen skin and wrinkles.
Are there different types? Which one’s right for you?
Dermal fillers are a type of gel, typically made up of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is naturally produced by your body. There are fillers with other ingredients like Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Polylactic Acid but fillers with HA are the most common.
A leading ingredient in skincare products, HA helps skin retain moisture, making your face look more plump and hydrated. Juvéderm and Restylane are a few popular brands of HA dermal fillers.
What does it do, really?
Simply put, dermal fillers restore lost volume to your face by filling in wrinkles and adding volume to soft tissue.
How does it do that?
By injecting small amounts of a gel (usually Hyaluronic Acid) into parts of your face you want to plump up.
What are the side-effects?
Yes, there can be side-effects and that’s normal. They range from swelling, redness to tenderness and some bruising.
How long does it last?
Dermal fillers are not permanent. Typically, dermal fillers made with hyaluronic acid last between 6-12 months. That’s the amount of time it takes your body to break down the hyaluronic acid that’s been injected. So, if you like the results from the fillers, you need to be consistent in getting touch-ups from your dermatologist.
How much does it cost?
A word of caution here. Don’t fall prey to inexpensive fillers, no matter how tempting. This is stuff you’re injecting into your skin which can cause severe problems if the quality is substandard or is being administered by anyone other than a certified professional. The average price per syringe in India is INR 20,000 – 25,000, though it can vary across clinics and also depends on your needs.
Can it be undone?
If you are not happy with the results, more often than not, the filler can be adjusted or even completely dissolved.
Lastly, do you need it?
Ageing is a natural and unavoidable process where our bodies gradually stop producing collagen and elastic which gives our skin a youthful appearance. What dermal fillers and other aesthetic treatments do is give your skin the extra boost it needs to keep looking young and hydrated. However, getting dermal fillers, or any aesthetic treatment, is a matter of choice and the decision is completely yours.
Pro Tip – Always get a consultation first.
Before you get the fillers, do your research and find a dermatologist you’re comfortable with. Go in for a consultation first, ask all the questions you may have, check their track record, and be very clear about what you want.
At The Wedding Clinic, we believe your skin is unique and deserves to be treated as such. Drop us a line or book a consult with our in-house dermatologist for an in-depth understanding of your skin and how it can be aesthetically enhanced.